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British Artist Peter Doig’s Symbolic Oil Painting High-Way Was Sold for 3,946 Thousand US Dollars

Auction date:2016-05-11
Sold Price:USD3,946,000
Published Date:2016-07-18 19:08
British Artist Peter Doig’s Symbolic Oil Painting High-Way Was Sold for 3,946 Thousand US Dollars
British Artist Peter Doig’s Symbolic Oil Painting High-Way Was Sold for 3,946 Thousand US Dollars
Born in 1959 in Edinburgh, British artist Peter Doig is one of the most famous contemporary symbolist artists. He created oil painting High-Way (76.5 x 92.7 CM) in 1999, which was sold for 3,946 thousand dollars at Sotheby Auctions on May 11th, 2016.
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