Pretty Mother of the Night—White Otter is No Longer a Boy

Frederic Remington
Keywords: PrettyMotherNight WhiteOtterLongerBoy

Work Overview

Not long after seeing the Peters exhibition, Remington completed two nocturnes of his own. Both were intended to serve as illustrations for a novel he had recently written titled The Way of an Indian. Both were also transitional works, for they were dependent upon text for their full meaning. In the more striking of the two images, "Pretty Mother of the Night—White Otter is No Longer a Boy," the novel’s hero (White Otter) addresses the moon (Pretty Mother of the Night) after successfully completing a test of manhood. The spare quality of the landscape and the lack of surface detail signaled a significant change in Remington’s compositional technique.

Frederic Remington, "Pretty Mother of the Night—White Otter is No Longer a Boy," c. 1900, Bellas Artes, Nevada, LLC