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  • lanchard2016-07-11 22:04:47
Although completely different philosophies and approaches to life. The western and the Islamic cultures also share certain similarities between them. The differences though, are far more as compared to the similarities and these are rightly expressed in their respective art forms.
The debate on how many differences present between the two cultures is another topic on its own. Certain differences between the two cultures include the following.
1. The way that the governments and the political outlook of the two cultures operate differs in a very big way. Although many countries are democratic but still, Muslim states use an Islam centric democratic approach to their politics.
2. The issue of gender roles holds a great deal of importance within both the cultures. With many restrictions in the Islamic culture as compared to the western culture.
3. The issue of sexual morality is another huge factor that plays its fair share of difference making ability within an art form. The Islamic cultural approach prohibits any display of skin among the women. Along with that there are various prohibitions on women as opposed to the Western culture which favors and supports the idea of women being involved in everyday matters such as politics etc.
These were the very few differences between the two distinct yet beautiful cultures. There are many more that could have been mentioned but the list would go on and on.
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