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A photographic Work by a European Double Artists Group was Sold for about 1.15 Million Pounds

Auction date:2017-03-08
Sold Price:1.14875 Million Pounds
Published Date:2017-03-12 11:54
A photographic Work by a European Double Artists Group was Sold for about 1.15 Million Pounds
A photographic Work by a European Double Artists Group was Sold for about 1.15 Million Pounds
Double artists group “Gilbert and George” is combined by Gilbert Proesch (1943 - ) from Italy and George Passmore (1942 - ) from British. This group is famous for their artworks based on photography which are colorful, imaginative and have high saturability and strong contrast.

Shag Stiff is a photographic work created by “Gilbert and George” in 1977 and was exhibited at Serpentine gallery in London in 2002. At Sotheby’s Contemporary Art Evening Auctions in 8th, March, 2017, this work was sold for 1.14875 million pounds.
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