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Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei Sprays Automotive Coating on 5 Vases of Han Dynasty and Won 191 Thousand Pounds at Auction

Auction date:2016-05-11
Sold Price:GBP191,000
Published Date:2016-07-18 19:12
Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei Sprays Automotive Coating on 5 Vases of Han Dynasty and Won 191 Thousand Pounds at Auction
Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei Sprays Automotive Coating on 5 Vases of Han Dynasty and Won 191 Thousand Pounds at Auction
Born in 1957, the sculptor, behavior artist and installation artist Ai Weiwei has always been a controversial subject at international art circle. This time, he sprayed different colors of automotive coating on 5 vases of Han Dynasty and they become a group installation art while the creation itself is a kind of behavior art. This group of vases was sold for 191 thousand pounds at Sotheby’s Contemporary Art Evening Auction on May 11th, 2016.
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