Song of Songs

Marc Chagall
Keywords: SongSongs

Work Overview

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Marc Chagall was a completely different artist than Dali and was primarily focused in the Naïve Art movement. Most notable for his series ‘Song of Songs’, there are a lot of interesting works behind his name.

Song of Songs I’ in 1960 was a mashup of several styles, although some may fight that opinion. Introducing off colors into several parts of the Marc Chagall painting along with a mixture of players, the canvas is a wonderland of thoughts and ideas. It’s an impossible ordeal to completely nail the story of it down in one look, but it serves as an introduction to what would be a very successful series. 

Song of Songs II’ had a similar backdrop but was focused on the lady in the middle of a comfortable patch of nature. From the perspective of some people it looks like an angel is on the right side of the Marc Chagall painting while the lady is actually laying in a bed of fire. Whatever fate or destiny has befell the young woman is surely a judgement that she seems ready and willing to take.

Song of Songs III’ looks like it was taking out of a scene from ‘Neverending Story’. A vibrant and lively background is as alive as the foreground in this colorful epic. Even with both human and nature in harmony, the colors used hint to a different type of relationship. There is a lot of busy movement in the Marc Chagall painting, and from the looks of things it’s more interesting on a second and third look.