On the Outskirts of Paris

Vincent van Gogh

Keywords: OutskirtsParis

Work Overview

Fortifications of Paris with Houses
Vincent van Gogh
Date: 1887; Paris, France *
Style: Post-Impressionism
Genre: landscape
Media: chalk, pencil, watercolor, paper
Location: Whitworth Art Gallery (University of Manchester), Manchester, UK

One of van Gogh's quarrels with Impressionists, though, was subject matter. In the late 1880s the avant-garde painted the modern city, one modified significantly by the work of Baron Georges Haussmann, Napoleon III's Prefect of the Seine. His plan was to build a modern city of "grand boulevards, bridges and parks", which figure into van Gogh's works of the Seine, but at an expense.[4] The city lost tens of thousands of old buildings, some of them cherished historical buildings, and displaced tens of thousands of people to the suburbs. Paradoxically, renovations along the Seine provided some of artist's most cherished views. Prior to the renovation buildings crowded the Seine, which could only be reached at right angles from narrow streets. New bridges were built and existing ones rebuilt, without shops and other structures that previously sat on the bridges. The city benefited by more light and air and improved commerce.[5] To celebrate the modern city, Impressionists painted the changing urban landscape. Many, including van Gogh, felt that the city "now dwarfed the individual." This was one of the key reasons for van Gogh's growing unease in Paris.