The Rispal Restaurant at Asnières

Vincent van Gogh
Keywords: RispalRestaurantAsnières

Work Overview

The Rispal Restaurant at Asnières
summer, 1887 
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City

After he made most of the still life paintings, Van Gogh left the city in April 1887 for the tranquil Parisian suburb called Asnières[66] and to paint with his friends and Asnières residents Paul Signac and Émile Bernard.[67] Asnières is located beyond the city fortifications, along the banks of the Seine and the island of Grand Jatte. There he experimented with an even lighter, more colorful palette than used in his early Montmartre, Still Life and Dutch paintings[68] and more fully defined his unique brushstroke: one that was rapid with thickly painted strokes laid closely together.