The RAW picture was taken by a digital camera Nikon D800 with a 24-70mm zoom lens, focused at 70 mm at 500 ISO with aperture F: 9.0 and speed 1/50.
The hundred-year-old tree with roots grown into the temple wall. The opening space started from the feet of the tree through the old walkway to the bright sky in the background. My eyes were caught by the richness of the layers in the scene.
Eight hundred years ago the Cambodian King commanded the construction of this magnificent temple in honor of his family. As the fall of the Empire, the temple was abandoned, and the jungle took over. The temple did not become part of the juggle. It remains its identity with the old stones and base structures still standing, even when it was invaded by these powerful and destructive trees, in the end, they learn to coexist and created this majesty of nature. Just like live, we often under attacked by forces of nature, in the end, if we build on a solid foundation, it will withstand the trial of time.